Home Ballina Am Still Longing by Fahredin Shehu

Am Still Longing by Fahredin Shehu


in Estonian by Martyna Kokotkiewitcz

 Am Still Longing

(on Father’s Day)

Every day, I was longing

for a rest on his lap

and for a kiss in my forehead

after reciting the nighttime prayers

Every now and then, I long for

what I missed in my childhood

I can just now realize he couldn’t

no, I couldn’t


He took care of his orphan brother

a bit older than us

He couldn’t let him miss

Miss even a cent

. . . a lap,

a moment of happiness

the emptiness

grandpa left behind

Mom was always strong and

she remained so

Throughout the winds of life,

she stood firm

Strong, like faith

that holds the pillars of heaven

Of a heart firmer than a diamond

she was

So many tears I saw in her face

yet so much love she gave

to us

to them

to everyone

to life

Igatsen ikka


Iga päev olin ma igatsemas

puhkehetke tema süles

 ja suudlust laubale

pärast ööpalvust

Mõnikord  igatsen ma

seda millest ma lapsepõlves ilma jäin

Olen just nüüd saanud aru, et ta ei suutnud

ei, mina ei suutnud


Ta hoolitses oma orvuks jäänud  venna eest

natukene vanema kui me

Ta ei lasknud tal jääda ilma

ilma isegi sendist




mida vanaisa jättis maha

Ema oli alati tugev ja

selliseks ta jäigi

 Kogu elu tuulte läbi,

 ta seisis vankumatult

Tugev, nagu usk

mis hoiab taeva sambaid

Süda kindlam kui teemant

oli temal

Nii palju pisaraid nägin tema näol

kuid andis ta nii palju armastust






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