Home Portali Art & Kulturë Branden B. Banko

Branden B. Banko


Data:  Branko Banko, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Art name:  Branden B. Banko

Email: brandenbb4@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrandenBBanko

Twitter:   https://twitter.com/BankoBranko

Skype:  artfotka

Branko Banko (Branden B. Banko) was born in a small Slovenian town of Murska Sobota. He was educated in Maribor and in 1985, moved to the capital city of Slovenia Ljubljana where he pursued his work in the trading industry and where he developed his skills in photography that began as a hobby at a young age.

His professional life took a different turn when he resolved to concentrate on expanding his photography skills further, a decision that took courage and determination to attain.

Today Branden B. Banko is internationally recognised as an award-winning Axlepino Freelance Art Photographer whose awe-inspiring nature photographs are acknowledged as remarkable works by artists of all genres around the world, some of whom have written poetry for a number of his breathtaking photographs.


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