Home Festivali ndërkombëtar i poezisë Ediconi 2 Heike Fiedler- Switzerland

Heike Fiedler- Switzerland


Heike Fiedler, Germany/Switzerland. Author, multilingual poet and performer. Fiedler’s poetry is situated between composition and improvisation. She performs her texts with laptop, paper, looper, realtime projection tools (ableton live, modul8…). Since 2000, she is participating in international literature and poetry festivals, readings, music festivals. Animation of workshops in field of sound poetry and performance writing. Participated in the research projekt « Authors acting on stage: self-conception and mise-en-scène » (HKB, SLI). Fiedler collaborates with musicians in field of improvisation and electroacoustic, she realizes the mise-en-scène of her pluridisciplinary projects (La Bâtie-Festival de Genève, festival Poésie en arrosoir). Many publications in magazines, anthologies, on CD’s. Books: langues de meehr (2010), sie will mehr (2013), mondes d’enfa( )ce (2015). Several residencies (Fondation Ledig-Rowohlt, L’Arc Romainmôtier, Pro Helvetia-New Delhi), lots of grants and subventions for her projects linked to writing and spatialization of text. She was co-founder of the former group Roaratorio, a platform for the international poetry performing scene. homepage: www.realtimepoem.com (festivals, presse, photos)

Heike Fiedler
Born 1963, West-Germany. Since 1987, living in Geneva.
2 daughters (1988, 1994).
1997 : lic. hist. phil., Uni Genève.
2001 : Formation teacher, IFMES, Genève.
2004 : Certification gender studies, Uni Genève.
2010 : Participation in research about performing authors.
Several studies in music (theory, flute, guitar, transverse flute, electroacoustics).
Participation in projects of performing theatre (Germany).
Several formations in sound and visual montage, workshop of sound poetry
with Henri Chopin at Vienna Poetry School.
Since 2000 : Extensively performing her writings in poetry and music festivals, literature readings. Each
performance is considered as an oral publication.

books :
Langues de meehr, edition spoken script, 2010.
sie will mehr, edition spoken script, 2013.
mondes d’enfa()ce, miniZoé, 2015.

nanu nano nouvelles, le persil, 2013.
art book :
linear d , Der gesunde Menschenversand, 2010.
theory :
« drustar – Versuch einer Annäherung an die Bedeutungsdimension bei Franz Mon », mémoire de licience, Uni

Genève, 1998.
Les enjeux de la mixité scolaire – Un pas vers l’égalité, certificat gender studies, Geneva, 2005.
Sprachfragmente und Intermédialität – une expérience poétique, final contribution to research projet, 2010.
Die Metamorphosen der Lyrik im Feld der Interdiziplinarität – ein Essay, Bozzetto No5, Zürich, 2013.
Poésie et performance – Rock, Pop and Poetry, Bucarest, 2014.
translations :
poetic texts of Franz MON, in: Les Lettres françaises, France, 2005.
Worttaktiken of Franz MON, in: Action Poétique, juin, France, 06/2007.
Tactiques de mots, Franz MON, collaboration with Vincent Barras, éditions Le Clou dans le Fer, France 2011.

Créations pluridisciplinaires
– La Bâtie, Festival de Genève
– Festival Poésie en arosoire:
diaporama: http://www.realtimepoem.com/a%20-%20le%20paradoxe…/de%20l%20instabilite.html
Contributions/compositions sonores :
sound poetry, ds : CD Collectif, Boxon, Lyon, 2003.
Don’t follow me. Follow your life, une piecè sonore de: Bruno Pisek, avec: Henri Chopin, Heike Fiedler, Mitch
Heinrich, Sophie Reyer et Peter Whorfdiffusion Kunstradio Wien, 2005, Austria.
housearrest, Marie Schwab, Heike Fiedler, Steve Buchanan.recorded and mixed by Bob Drake, Bordebasse,
vent de l’est, Heike Fiedler, Rafal Iwanski, Steve Buchanan, Rafal Kolacki,recorded at studio Sferax, Torun,
november 2010.Mixed and edited 2011.
CipHER, Heike Fiedler (vocals and lyrics, traverse flute, melodia), Kruno Jost (laptop, guitars, melodia), Steve
Buchanan (2nd line, electronics, el.guitar, alto sax), recorded 2007, Geneva.
Millefleurs, ensemble d’improvisation vocal: Abril Padilla, Agnès Pallier, Anna Nemes, Carl Ludwig Hübsch,
Christoph Schiller, Dominique von Hahn, Heike Fiedler, Izumi Ise, Irina Ungureanu, Mitch Heinrich, Marei
Seuthe, Rudolf Häfele, Basel, 2009.
speechact – oratorium, textsound, issue no 5, USA, 2009.
flux filiou fiedler, @ Mamco, carte postale sonore, 2013.
White room, @ : Huellkurven magazine, 2013.
shima, @ : “Meanwhile in Fukushima”, websynradio, 2013.
some publications in some magazines :
C’est vache, COURANT, Genève, juin 1991.
Quelle nouvelle Allemagne?, COURANT, Geneve novembre 1991.
Domeno, Boxon, Lyon, 2002.
Préface, Ecritures 61, Lausanne, 2003.
Multilingual writings, Crashtest, France, 2005, 2007.
das heft das seinen langen namen ändern wollte, Verlag: Der gesunde Menschenversand, 2009.
inside 4 – une histoire géopolitique, Boxon, Lyon, 2011.
extrait du roman “in si de”, Le Courrier, CH Littérature, déc. 2012.

noise.tier, contribution pour l’anthologie de poésie suisse romande dans: Le Persil, 2016,
>the spirit of love.


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