Home Portali Art & Kulturë Mario Portelli- Malta

Mario Portelli- Malta


Born in Vittoriosa, Malta, Mario at his early years began to wonder in the World of Art. He had a lot of encouragement from his families and friends to continue his journey in this fantastic World. Throughout this journey he exploited many experiences which he encountered. From creating original paintings to designs for various theatrical productions, illustrations for TV documentaries, posters, book illustrations, interior designing, full size simulators, new concepts, technical design, new urban design projects and presently even novel writing. Helping him is the technical background which he presently still possess, as he worked as a head of section in a drawing office at a local shipyard.

He taught Art and Technical Design in a local private Secondary School as well as a Lecturer with MCAST (Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology) in the maritime sector. As well still involved in various new urban design large innovative projects, designs for superyachts and yachts and illustration for books. Recently he read a Master’s Degree in illustration with Hertfordshire University UK. His most favorite types of Art includes: Fantasy, renaissance, baroque, rococo, sur-realism and impressionism. His favorite masters are various, from Botticelli to Gurney. Presently Mario is working on Maltese historical events among other fantasy work.


Art-Works of Mario Partelli

Pictures of Malta




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