Home Poezi Penpen Bugtong Takipsilim

Penpen Bugtong Takipsilim



A doctor-poet with the laurels of “Father of Visual Poetry” is the man who created and invented “Pentasi B Poetry”. Creator and founder of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry.
Incontestably on his brow, he was awarded as Father of Visual Poetry from Canada in 2012, conferred as Father of Visual Poetry by the National Library of the Philippines in 2013, honored as Father of Visual Poetry from Turkey (Gorsel Siir Babasi) in 2014, recognized as IL PADRE Della Poesia Visuale from Italy in 2016, awarded as Anyuinsem Agya (Father of Visual Poetry) from Ghana, Africa in 2016, and awarded as FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY from The Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences Awards (known as FAMAS Awards) also in 2016.
Doc PenPen is officially invited, confirmed, and scheduled to receive an international recognition in INDIA as DRIISYA KAVITA CHAKRAVARTY (King of Visual Poetry) in October 2016.
His real name is Dr. Epitacio R. Tongohan aka Doc PenPen Bugtong Takipsilim, The Father of Visual Poetry.


yes !am

yes i am free
yes free for all
i am beyond the walls
beyond the pages
beyond the bitterness of man
i am the best of all
the best of all dreams of all hopes of all wishes
i am the greatest revelation of all-unending-self-discoveries
i am the core of every infinite evolution of existence for perfection
i simply live
f r e e l y
in every birth in every death
in every breath of the universe

i am LOVE
without a temple
without a name

~©penpen 2013



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