Home Ballina Alenka Jensterle Doležal- Slovenia

Alenka Jensterle Doležal- Slovenia


Dr. Alenka Jensterle Doležal was born in 1959 in Slovenia, and has been living abroad for several years now. In the last few years, she has settled in Prague. She works at the Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, where she is an associative professor and lectures on Slovene literature a Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University. She graduated from Slovene studies, comparative literature, and philosophy, and then obtained a PhD with a dissertation on Antigone in Slavic playwriting. She has published a number of poetry and prose works, the latest anthologies Pesmi v snegu (Poems in the Snow, 2012) and Nostalgične pesmi (Nostalgic poems, 2018)), the novel Pomen hiše (The Meaning of a House, 2015), and she is also the author of monographs: V krogu mitov: o ženski in smrti v slovenski književnosti (In the Circle of Myths: On Women and Death in Slovene Literature, 2008), Poglavja iz slovenske moderne (Chapters from Slovene Modernism, 2014) in Ključi od labirinta: o slovenski poeziji (The Keys to the Labyrinth: On Slovene poetry 2017). She regularly publishes academic articles. She is the editor of five volumes (collective monographs).
Some of her poems and excerpts of prose have been translated into English, Czech, Croatian, Slovak, Polish and Serbian, and published in several anthologies. She has one book in Czech Přeludy (translated by Luděk Marks, 1996). In Prague, she organized for three years the yearly festival of Slovene female poets Mladi mesec (Young Moon).



The English translation is made by Mia Dintinjana in 2010 for the Collection Fire under the Moon.


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