Home Portali Art & Kulturë Haqif Mulliqi

Haqif Mulliqi


Haqif Mulliqi, 06.05.1960 Pejë. Graduated in dramaturgy at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prishtina (1996) where he won the title: Graduated dramaturge. In 2009, in Tirana, with the thesis “The psychology of Characters in Shakespeare’s work” completed his master’s studies in psychology where he won the title: Master of psychology. In 2011, at the National University of Tetova, with the theses Drama of the XX century in Europe and America – from Ibsen to the classics of modernism, Beket and Jonesko, finished his master’s studies and got the title: Master of philological sciences. In 2015, in the Academy for Albanological Studies in Tirana, with a Dissertation that covered Drama, Theatre and Cultural Identity in Kosovo, has earned a PhD in Anthropology of Drama and Theatre. In 2016, in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Prishtina, he earns an academic degree as a full professor. In the academic year 2007/2008, he was a member of the commission for the establishment of the cathedra for Movie Directing, Camera and Editing at the State University of Tetova where he lectured several subjects for many years. From 2003 until 2009 has been a lecturer of dramaturgy and the history of drama and world theatre at the University of Arts in Tirana.

Artistic work

2021 “Four Epaulets” City Theatre of Mitrovica

2019 “Trains”, National Theatre of Kosovo, Prishtinë

2017 “Për të vërtetën” (For the truth), Theatre “Avdush Hasani”, Podujevë

2017 “After the war, Youth Theatre, Prishtinë

2016 “The Perfume shop”, Theatre of the University of Arts in Tirana, Albania

2014 “Widowers”, Project of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania – University of Arts in Tirana, Albania

2015 “The Kosowars”, Alternative Theatre Kosova, Prishtinë

2014 “The Perfume shop”, Film and Theater House “Dora”, Prishtina

2013 “Trains”, Theatre “Bekim Fehmiu”, Prizren

2013 “The Perfume shop”, Alternative Theatre Kosova, Prishtinë

2013 “Widowers garden, Project on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania – University of Arts in Tirana, Albania

2013 “Nothing new in South”, Professional Theatre “Istref Begolli”, Pejë

2012 “A grave for the Kings Major”, National Theatre of Kosova, Prishtinë

2011 “The Kosowars”, Theatre Dodona, Prishtinë,

2011 “The Perfume shop”, Theatre Dodona, Prishtinë

2011 “Patriotic Chaos in Paris”, Theatre “Adriana”, Ferizaj

2010 “The Perfume shop”, Aterlier 31, Tirana

2011 “Show time”, Project on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania and National Theatre of Tirana, Albania

2010 “Unë, Mirjam dhe Sandri” (I, Mirjam and Sandri), Project on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania and National Theatre of Tirana, Albania

2010 “The Perfume shop, Theatre of University of Arts, Tirana

2009 “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”, Theatre “Dodona”, Prishtinë

2009 “The comedy or human stupidity”, Alternative Theatre Kosova, Prishtinë

2009 “The Perfume shop”, Project on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania and National Theatre of Tirana, Albania

2008 “I, Mirjam and Sandri, Theatre “Andon Zako Çajupi”, Korçë, Albania

2007 “Max and Kim or the meeting after 21 years, Fathers Theatre, Prishtinë

2006 “Commemoratively”, Lyric Theatre “SCUPI”, North Macedonia and Alternative Theatre of Kosova

2006 “The Comedy”, Theatre “Hadi Shehu”, Gjakovë

2005 “Ruleti ballkanik” (Balkan roulette), Theatre Bylys, Fier, Albania

2005 “How i defeated Mussolini “, National Theatre of Albania

2004 “Balkan roulette”, National Theatre of Kosova

2004 “The Kosowars”, Alternative Theatre Kosova, Prishtinë

2004 “After the War”, Theatre “Istref Begolli”, Pejë

2004 “Patriotic Chaos in Paris “, Theatre “Hadi Shehu”, Gjakovë

2004 “Dead or Alive, Theatre Atelier 31, Tiranë, Albania

2003 “Gjakova a different war “, Coproduction of the Theatre “Hadi Shehu”, Gjakovë and Alternative Theatre Kosova, Prishtinë

2002 “The Perfume shop”, Coproduction of the Theatre “Hadi Shehu”, Gjakovë and Alternative Theatre Kosova, Prishtinë

2002 “Four Epaulets”, Theatre of Dortmund, Germany

2002 “A grave for the Kings Major”, Theatre “Hadi Shehu”, Gjakovë.

2001 “How i defeated Mussolini”, Theatre “Hadi Shehu”, Gjakovë

2001 “The Comedy “, National Theatre of Kosova

2000 “Trains”, National Theatre of Kosova

1999 “Four Epaulets”, Theatre “Hadi Shehu”, Gjakovë

1997 “The Perfume shop”, Theatre “Dodona”, Prishtinë

1997 “The Comedy”, Theatre “Corona”, Nyon, Switzerland

1996 “Four Epaulets”, Theatre Dodona, Prishtinë

1994 ” Everything is possible “, Theatre “Hadi Shehu”, Gjakovë

1991 “ALO 1991”, National Theatre of Kosova

1985 “Ali hoxha – hoxhë Alia”, Students Theatre Prishtina

1980 “Waiting for the train”, Students Theatre Prishtina

Performances in international theaters:

2020 “Show time”, Project of the Ministry of Culture, Tetovë, North Macedonia 

2020 “Four Epaulets”, Theatre of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2019 “Nothing new in South”, Project of the Ministry of Culture, North Macedonia

2018 “The Perfume”, Theatre of the City of Kumanova, North Macedonia

2018 “Patriotic Chaos in Paris”, Project of the Ministry of Culture, Tetovë, North Macedonia

2017 “Max and Kim”, Theatre of Kumanova, North Macedonia

2016 “Show time”, Theatre of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2016 “The Perfume shop”, Theatre of the University of Arts in Tirana, Albania

2014 “Widowers”, Project of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania – University of Arts in Tirana, Albania

2013 “Widowers garden, Project on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania – University of Arts in Tirana, Albania

2011 “Show time”, Project on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania and National Theatre of Tirana, Albania

2010 “I, Mirjam and Sandri”, Project on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania and National Theatre of Tirana, Albania

2010 “The Perfume shop, Theatre i Fakultetit të Arteve Tiranë, Albania

2009 “The Perfume shop”, Project on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania and National Theatre of Tirana, Albania

2008 “I, Mirjam and Sandri, Theatre “Andon Zako Çajupi”, Korçë, Albania

2008 “Patriotic Chaos in Paris”, the Institution National Theatre of Tetovo, North Macedonia

2007 “The Kosowars”, Theatre of Pleven, Bulgaria

2007 “Commemoratively”, Alternative Theatre Kosova and Lyric Theatre “SCUPI”, North Macedonia

2006 “Four Epaulets”, Theatre of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece

2005 “How I defeated Mussolini”, National Theatre of Tirana, Albania

2005 “Balkan roulette”, Theatre “Bylys”, Fier, Albania

2004 “Dead or Alive”, Theatre Atelier 31, Tiranë, Albania

2002 “Four Epaulets”, Theatre of Dortmund, Germany

2001 “The Perfume shop”, Theatre of Arts Academy in Tiranë, Albania

1999 “The Perfume shop”, Theatre of Arts Academy in Tiranë, Albania

1997 “The Comedy”, Theatre “Corona”, Nyon, Switzerland

1993 “Four Epaulets”, Theatre of Arts Academy in Tiranë, Albania

Theatre directing:

2022 “Four Epaulets”, Citey Theatre “Muharem Qena”, Mitrovica

2015 “The Kosowars”, Alternative Theatre of Kosova, Prishtinë

2014 “The Perfume shop”, Film and Theater House “Dora”, Prishtina

2013 “Trains”, Theatre “Bekim Fehmiu”, Prizren

2013 “Nothing new in South”, Proffessional Theatre “Istref Begolli”, Pejë

2012 “A grave for the Kings Major”, National Theatre of Kosova

2011 “The Kosowars”, Theatre “Dodona”, Prishtinë

2011 “Patriotic Chaos in Paris”, Theatre “Adriana”, Ferizaj

2009 “One commemoration in coffee theatre”, Theatre “Dodona”, Prishtinë

2009 “The comedy or human stupidity”, Theatre Alternativ Kosova

2008 “Patriotic Chaos in Paris”, National Institution Theatre of Tetova, North Macedonia 

2006 “Commemoratively”, Lyric Theatre “SCUPI”, North Macedonia and Alternative Theatre of Kosova

2006 “The Comedy”, Theatre “Hadi Shehu”, Gjakovë

2005 “How I defeated Mussolini”, National Theatre of Tirana, Albania

2004 “The Kosowars”, Alternative Theatre Kosova

2003 “Gjakova a different war”, Coproduction of Theatre “Hadi Shehu” and Alternative Theatre Kosova

2002 “The Perfume shop”, Coproduction of Theatre “Hadi Shehu” and Alternative Theatre Kosova

1985 “Ali Hoxha, hoxhë Alia”, Students Theatre, University of Prishtina

1980 “Duke pritur trenin” (Waiting for the train), Students Theatre, University of Prishtina

Acting and script writter:

2020 The author of the script “Komedia” (The Comedy)

2019 Co-author with Getoarbë Mulliqi Bojaj for the script “Parku i Dorës” (Dora’s Park)

2017 The author of the script “Ana’s wedding” – directed by Sabedin Aliu), winner of the competition of the Film Centre, North Macedonia

2013 The author of the script “The fairy-tale”- directed by Sabedin Aliu), winner of the competition of the Film Centre, North Macedonia

2012 The author of the script for a short film “Only one way” directed by Getoarbë Mulliqi and Ilir Kabashi                       

2010 The role of the Minister in the Feature Film, “The Hero” directed and written by Luan Kryeziu                       

2009 The role of Meta in the film “The second murder”, directed by Emin Halili

2009 The author of the script of medium length “Ruhoni IV” (The Ruhon IV)


1998 Published drama“Parfumeria” (The Perfume shop), publisher magazine “Theatri”, Prishtinë

1994 Published drama “Si e mposhta Mussolinin” (How I defeated Mussolini), publisher Dodona, Prishtinë

1993 Published the publicistic book: “Kosova në ruletin ndërkombëtar” (Kosovo in international rulet), publisher “Zëri”, Prishtinë

1993 Published drama “Katër epoletat” (Four Epaulets), publisher “Tok Theatre”, Prizren

Dramas published in 2002 by the publishing house “Kombi”, Prishtinë:

 “Trenat” (Trains)

“Një plagjiat i përkryer” (A perfect plagiarism)

 “Parfumeria” (The Perfume shop)

“Përralla klaustrofobike” (Claustrophobic tale)

Dramas published in 2005 by the publishing house “Kombi”, Prishtinë:

“Kaos atdhedashurie në Paris” (Patriotic Chaos in Paris)

“Gjakova një luftë ndryshe” (Gjakova a different war)

“Asgjë veç Gjuzepes” (Nothing but Gjuzepe)

“Një varr për majorin e Mbretit” (A grave for the Kings Major)

Dramas published in 2006 by the publishing house “Kombi”, Prishtinë:


“Çdo gjë është e mundshme” (Everything is possible)

“Maksi dhe Kimi apo takimi pas 21 vjetëve” (Max and Kim or the meeting after 21 years)

“The Kosowars”

“Komemorativisht” (Commemoratively)

Dramas published in 2007 by the publishing house “Kombi”, Prishtinë:

“The Comedy”

”Max and Kim or the meeting after 21 years”

Dramas published in 2010 by the publishing house “Jeta e re”, Prishtinë:

“I, Mirjam and Sandri”

The book “Pesë drama” (Five dramas) published in 2012 by the publishing house “Rozafa”, Prishtinë:

“The Perfume shop”,

“Claustrophobic tale”

“I, Mirjam and Sandri”

“Nothing but Gjuzepe”

“Max and Kim or the meeting after 21 years”

The book “Five dramas” published in 2013 by the publishing house “Olymp”, Prishtinë            


“How I defeated Mussolini”


“Gjakova a different war”

“One commemoration in the coffee theatre”           

The book “Komedi” (The Comedy) published in 2016 by the publishing house “Armagedoni”, Prishtinë           

“Everything is possible”

“Show time”

“Komedia” (The Comedy)

“Asgjë të re në jug” (Nothing new in South)

In 2017, a set of 18 plays have been published by the publishing house “Armagedoni”, Prishtinë           

“Four Epaulets”

“Everything is possible”


“How i defeated Mussolini”

“The Comedy”

“The Perfume shop”

“A perfect plagiarism”

“A grave for the Kings Major”                  

“Nothing new in South”


“The Kosowars”

“Gjakova a different war”

“One commemoration in the coffee theatre”

“Show time”

“Nothing but Gjuzepe”

“I, Mirjam and Sandri”

“Max and Kim or the meeting after 21 years”

“Claustrophobic tale”   

In 2019 a collection of six books “Katër epoletat dhe dramat tjera” (Four epaulets and other dramas) has been published by PEN Kosova:

“Four Epaulets”

“The Perfume shop”

“Nothing but Gjuzepe”

“Claustrophobic tale”

“Max and Kim or the meeting after 21 years”

“I, Mirjam and Sandri”

In 2019, “The Clinic of the past”, has been published in the magazine “AKADEMIA” of the publishing house “Armagedoni”, Prishtinë

In 2020, he is included in the “Anthology of contemporary Albanian drama” with drama “The Perfume shop”, Project of the Multimedial Centre, Prishtinë

Drama and Theater Studies:

In 2022, the monography, “Twentieth Century Drama in Europe and America from Ibsen to Avant-Garde Classics, Beckett and Ionesco” is in the process of being published.

In 2022 He published the monography “Henrik Ibsen – the first breath of modernity”, The Publishing House “Armagedoni”

In 2020 he published the monography “Strindberg – a short story in modern drama”, The Publishing House “Armagedoni”

In 2018, he published the monographic study “Theater, drama and cultural identity in Kosovo II”, The Publishing House “Armagedoni”

In 2017, he published the monographic study “Theater, drama and cultural identity in Kosovo I”, The Publishing House “Armagedoni”

In 2008, he has been included in the “Anthology of contemporary Albanian drama” with drama “Sistola”, Project of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia

In 2022, the monography, “Twentieth Century Drama in Europe and America from Ibsen to Avant-Garde Classics, Beckett and Ionesco” is in the process of being published.

Scientific works:

In 2021, “Miss Giulia – Naturalism as a philosophical goal of Strinberg”, Social Studies Journal of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo

In 2020, “The Dramaturgy of Anton Pashku – the existence of absurd society and the creation of absurd circumstances”, Journal of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo

In 2019, “Hybrid War as an Asymmetric War and Hybrid Public Relations”, Seminar on Language, Literature and Culture, Prishtinë

In 2018, “Theater as a mission in the emancipation of emotions or as the second face of the Albanian Faust”, XII International Seminar of Albanology, State University of Tetova  

In 2018, “On media culture and ideology”, International Seminar on Language, Literature and Culture, Prishtinë

In 2017, “Possible reality – new media, art and vice versa”, XI International Seminar of Albanology, State University of Tetova, North Macedonia

In 2016, “New communication technology and the interaction of structural, institutional and socio-economic factors in journalistic ethics in Kosovo”, X International Seminar of Albanology, State University of Tetova, North Macedonia

In 2016, “Building national identity through ethno-symbols and the role of new media in their dissemination”, International Seminar on Language, Literature and Culture, Prishtinë

In 2015, participant in the Conference of the National Communicator Association – Las Vegas (NCA 101st Annual Convention webpage), USA

In 2015, “The myth of the house snake in the dramatic discourse of Ajri Begu”, IX International Seminar of Albanology, State University of Tetova, North Macedonia

In 2014, “Genre aspects of Milazim Krasniqi’s comedy”, Art Studies 120/2014, Publication of the Center for Albanological Studies, Tiranë, Albania

In 2013, “The origin of drama, poetics and its importance“, Art Studies 17/2013, Publication of the Center for Albanological Studies, Tiranë, Albania

In 2013, “Comedy or the strangest way of dealing with the laws of the cosmos“, “Jeta e re” No. 2, Prishtinë

In 2011, “Theatre as a mission in the emancipation of emotions or the second face of the Albanian Faust” – Art Studies 14/2011 – Publication of the Center for Albanological Studies, Tiranë, Albania

In 2010, “Media Relations as Part of Public Relations”, Magazine “Media”, Scientific journal of the Department of Media at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Prishtina

In 2003, “Presentation of the conflict in Macedonia in the Kosovo media” – Macedonian Institute for Media, North Macedonia.

Journalistic experience:

“Bota e Re”                                                                     1983-1990

“Fokus” (Split, Kroaci)                                    1989-1992

“Polet” (Zagreb) &                                                    1988-1991

“Tribuna” (Lubjanë)                                                       1988-1991

Correspondent of Albanian Telegraphic

Agency (ATSH) and Albanian Television

(TVSH) From Prishtina                                             1991-1993

Editor in weekly “Zëri”                                    1991-1997

Correspondent of the dailies

“Bota Sot” and “Eurozëri”                                              1995-1999

Editor-in-Chief in Weekly Magazine

“SYRI” (Düseldorf)                                                   1996-1997

Editor of the thematic magazine

“Theatri”, Prishtinë                                                        1996-2000

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

of “Gazeta Shqiptare”, Prishtinë                                   1997

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

of the bi-weekly “KOMBI”                                               1997-2001

First Editor-in-Chief of

“Kosova Sot” Prishtinë                                             1998

First Editor-in-Chief of

 “Gazeta e re”                                                                      2001

Editor of the magazine “Interesi nacional”                       2001

Editor-in-Chief of “Euro Zëri”, Cyrih                        2004

Editor of the weekly

“Zëri” Prishtinë                                                                  2005

Scientific journal “Media”

Faculty of Philology i

University of Prishtina                                             2009

Magazine “AKADEMIA”, Prishtinë                                  2017

From 1989 to 1990 has covered the field of Theater for the magazine “Fjala”.

From 1991 to 1992 has worked as a columnist in the daily “Bujku” / Rilindja “.

From 1993 to 1997 has written about the achievements of theaters in Kosovo, Skopje and Tirana for the magazine “Zeri”, as well as for the magazines “Thema” (No. * 11 – 1993) and “Theatri” (from the first days).

During the nineties he collaborated with other newspapers and magazines such as: “Fjala”, “Koha Javore”, “Ora”, Shkëndija”, “Sheshi”, “Kosovarja”, “Tribuna”, “Thema”, “MM”, “Interesi Nacional” (Kosovë), “Albania”, “Tema”, “Koha Jonë”, “Atdheu” (Albania), “Fakti” (Skopje/North Macedonia), “Der Bund” dhe “Fackt” (Switzerland).

While working as an activist for the protection of Freedom of Expression, Amnesty International declared him a Citizen of the World, in 1993 together with Adem Demaçi, Ali Podrimja and Shaip Beqiri.

From 2002 – 2012, has realized the show “PRO ARTE” on the Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK), a thematic show that dealt with the problems of drama, theater and film. By the end of 2012, over 300 shows have been realized.

Organizational skills and competencies:

In 2011, Political Advisor on Cultural Issues to the Minister of Culture. 

Has held organizational and managerial positions in the Faculty of Aarts, University of Prishtina – in two terms as vice dean for teaching. Also contributed in the creation, organization of newspaperssuch as: “Kosova sot”, “Gazeta e re”, “Kombi”, “Gazeta shqiptare”, “Syri”, etj.

Awards and memberships:

In 2022, the winer of the award “Balkan, the heart of Europe”, Festival “Actor of Europe”, Resen North Macedonia

In 2022, the winer of the award for best directing of the performance “Four Epoulets”, Festival “Actor of Europe”, Resen North Macedonia

In 2020, the winer of the “Career award”, ETNOFEST Festival, Kukaj, Prishtina

In 2019, the winer of the annual award, “Ibrahim Rugova” for the study “Theater, Drama and Cultural Identity in Kosovo“, awarded by the Ministry of Culture of Kosovo.

In 2012, the winer of the award “Only one way” for the Best Screenplay at the 9/11 Festival, Prishtina.

In 2011, the winer of the award Best Performance and Best Actors for the performance “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”, the Vratza International Theater Festival, Bulgaria.

In 2011, the winer of the Grand prix award for the best performance “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”, in Otoshevo Festival, North Macedonia.

In 2011, the winer of the best performance award for the performance “Patriotic Chaos in Paris”, the National Theater Festival in Ferizaj

In 2010, the winer of the award: “The Honor of Peja” for the contribution given to the Film Theater and Drama

In 2009, the winer of the “Avdush Hasani” award for Drama and Theater Creativity.

In 2009, the winer of the award “The best performance”, for the performance “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”, National Theater Festival in Ferizaj.

In 2006, the winer of the award “The best performance”, for the performance “The Kosowars” – Best performance at the biennial of the European Theater Festival in Braila, Romania

In 2005, “The Kosowars” – Nominated for Best Performance at the Cairo-Egypt Experimental Theater Festival

In 2004, “The Kosowars” – Award “First of the first” in Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Schotland

In 1997, the winer of the first price for performance and the text for “Four Epaulets”, in festival “Flaka e Janarit”, Gjilan.

In 1986, the winer of the award for best text and direction of “Ali Hoxha Hoxha Alia” at the Theater Festival in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Work in film, radio and television

In 2019, Scriptwriter of the feature film “Anna’s Weding”, directed by Sabedin Aliu, winner of the North Macedonian Film Fund competition

In 2019, Co- Scriptwriter of the feature film “Dora’s Garden”

In 2017, Scriptwriter of the feature film “The fary-tale”, directed by Sabedin Aliu, Macedonian Film Fund, Skopje, North Macedonia

In 2012, Screenplay of the short film “Only one way”, directed by Getoarbë Mulliqi and Ilir Kabashi

In 2011, Ecranisation of drama “Gjakova a different war” for the film “Bodrumi” (Basement), directed by Artan Mustafa

In 2009, Screenplay for the feature film “Ruhoni IV”, First Prize for screenplay at the film festival 9/11

In 2008, Author of the script for the TV series “Families”, directed by Sunaj Raça, produced by Digitalb (Albania)

In 2007, Radiodrama “Gjakova a different war”, on Radio Television of Kosovo, directed by Luan Daka

In 2006, Radiodrama “The Kosowars”, in Radio Bucharest, Romania, Directed by Doina Papp

In 2005, Author and director of the television documentary “Alexandria”, the Kosovo Institute for Drama, Film and Choreography and Radio Television of Kosovo

In 2004, Scriptwriter and director of the feature film “Kallokanxha”, produced by the Kosovo Institute for Drama, Film and Choreography and CMB Production

In 2004, Scriptwriter and director of the documentary “Old Childhood Photography” produced by the Kosovo Institute for Drama, Film and Choreography and Radio Television of Kosovo

In 1993, Dramaturg and assistant director of the film “Aapple Scent”, the first feature film of Albanians in Montenegro, directed by Emin Halili

Scriptwriter and director of the documentary series from the Edinburgh Festival, Romania, Elbasan, Cairo, etc., productions of the Kosovo Institute of Drama, Film and Choreography and Radio Television of Kosovo

Festivals and other festival activities        

In 2022 Festival “Actor of Europe” Prespa, North Macedonia

In 2022 Festival “Risto Shishkov”, Strumica, North Macedonia

In 2022 National Festival of Drama, Gjirokastra, Albania

In 2022 International Theatre Festival, Fier Albania

In 2020 Festival “Flaka e Talias”, “Trains”, National Theatre of Kosova

In 2020 Festival “Flaka e Talias”, “Trains”, National Theatre of Kosova, Theatre Festival Debar, North Macedonia

In 2017 National Theatre Festival, Ferizaj, “For the truth”

In 2017 Ballkan Festival, Tiranë, Albania “For the truth”

In 2016 Festivali i Teatrit Ndryshe Podujevo, “For the truth”

In 2016 Festivali i Teatrit Ndryshe, Podujevo, “The Perfume shop” 

In 2016 Festival KOKO Fest, Korçë, Albania “The Perfume shop”

IN 2014 Edinburgh Festival with the drama “The Perfume shop, Film and Theater House “Dora”, Prishtina

In 2013 Festival “Apollon”, Fier, Albania, “Trains”

In 2013 Etno Fest, “Trains”

In 2012 Participation in the official program of the 100th anniversary of Independence in Vlora with the show “A grave for the Kings Major”

In 2012 National Theatre Festival in Tirana with the play “Një varr për majorin e mbretit” (A grave for the Kings Major)

In 2011 Participation in the International Festival of Contemporary Theaters in Vratza, Bulgaria with the play “Një përkujtim në kafe teatër” (One commemoration in the coffee theatre)

In 2011 Participation in the Festival “Risto Siskov” in Strumica with the play “The Kosowars”

In 2011 National Theatre Festival, Ferizaj,”Kaos atdhedashurie në Paris” (Patriotic Chaos in Paris)

In 2010 Participation in the International Festival of Theaters, Amann (Jordan) with performance “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”

In 2010 Participation in the Nationwide Festival of Theaters in Debar, North    

Macedonia, with the play “Vejanët” (Widowers), Tiranë, Albania

In 2010 participation in the Nationwide Festival of Theaters in Debar (Macedonia) with the play “The Perfume shop”, Theatre “Dodona”, Prishtinë

In 2010 Participation in the National Festival of Theaters in Ferizaj, with the play “Widowers” 

In 2010 Participation in the International Festival “A diverse theatre” with the play “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”

In 2010 Participation in the International Festival “Risto Siskov” of Strumica (North Macedonia) with the show “One commemoration in the coffee theatre)

In 2010 Participation in the International Festival of MonoAKT Theaters, Peja with the play “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”

In 2010 Participation in the International Festival of Kumanova, North Macedonia with the play “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”

In 2010 Participation in the Festival of Theaters in Ulcinj, Montenegro with the play “Widowers”

In 2010 Participation in the Balkan Festival of Theaters Tirana with the play “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”

In 2010 Participant in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Montenegrin Theater, “Zetski dom”, Cetina, Montenegro

In 2009 Participation in the National Festival of Theaters Ferizaj with the play “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”

In 2008 Participation in the Ohrid Summer Festival, North Macedonia with drama “Commemoratively”

In 2007 Participation in the International Festival “Theater without borders” in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina with the drama “Commemoratively”.

In 2007 Participation in the Days of Albanian Culture in North Macedonia, with the show “One commemoration in the coffee theatre”

In 2006 Participation in the manifestation “Bazaar Days” in Skopje, North Macedonia with the drama “The Kosowars”

In 2006 Participation in the International Theater Festival in Edinburgh (Scotland) with drama “Dead or Alive”.

In 2006 Participation in the International Theater Festival in Edinburgh (Scotland) with drama “The Kosowars”.

In 2006 Participation in the International Theater Festival in Edinburgh (Scotland) with drama “Commemoratively”.

In 2006 Participation in the International Theater Festival “SKAMPA” in Elbasan, Albania with drama “Commemoratively”.

In 2006 Participation in the International Festival of Experimental Theaters in Cairo (Egypt) with the drama “Dead or Alive”

In 2006 Participation in the International Festival of Experimental Theaters in Cairo, Egypt with the drama “The Kosowars”.

In 2006 Participation in the European Festival in Braila, Romania with drama “The Kosowars”

In 2006 Participation in the Balkan Comedy Festival in Kumanovo, North Macedonia with drama “The Comedy”

In 2005 Participation in the Ohrid Summer Festival, North Macedonia with drama “The Kosowars”.

In 2005 Participation in the International Theater Festival “SKAMPA” in Elbasan, Albania with drama “Gjallë apo vdekur” (Dead or Alive)

In 2005 Participation in the International Festival of Theaters – Theater without borders, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina with drama “The Kosowars”

In 2005 Participation in the International Festival “BUTRINTI 2000” Butrint, Albania with drama “How i defeated Mussolini”

In 2004 Participation in the International Theater Festival in Edinburgh (Scotland) with drama “The Kosowars”

In 2004 Participation with tragicomedy “After the war”, at the Balkan Comedy Festival in Korça, Albania

In 2004 Participation in the International Theater Festival “SKAMPA” in Elbasan, Albania with drama “The Kosowars”

In 2003 Participation in the International Theater Festival in Edinburgh (Scotland) with drama “Gjakova a different war”

In 2003 in the Festival “Flaka e Talias”, Gjilan with drama “Parfumeria” (The Perfume shop).

In 2002 Participation in the International Theater Festival in Edinburgh (Scotland) with drama “Parfumeria” (The Perfume shop).

In 2002 Participation in the (first) International Festival of Experimental Theaters “SKAMPA” in Elbasan, Albania with the play “The Parfume shop”

In 2001 Participation in the International Theater Festival in Edinburgh (Scotland) with drama “Trains”. 

In 1999, Participation in the (first) International Festival of Experimental Theaters “SKAMPA” in Elbasan, Albania with the play “Four Epaulets”,

In 1997, Participation in the National Festival of Theaters in Tirana with the play “The Perfume shop”, 

In 1997 Participation in the Theater Festival in Gjilan “Flaka e Janarit” with the drama “Four Epaulets”,

In 1997 Special Award for the drama “The Perfume shop”, at the National Drama Festival in Tirana.

From 1994 to 1997 Selector from Kosovo for the Tirana National Drama Festival from Kosovo and Macedonia

In 1994 Ideator founder and selector of the National Comedy Festival in Presevo

From 1993 to 1997 and 2000 to 2001 selector and director of the Kosovo Theater Festival.

From 1993 to 1997 selectors from Kosovo and Macedonia, for the National Drama Festival in Tirana, Albania

In 1986 Participation in the International Drama Festival in Novo Mesto, Slovenia with comedy “Ali hoxha hoxhe Alia”

In 1986 Special Award at the International Theater Festival in Novo Mesto, Slovenia for comedy “Ali Hoxha, hoxhë Alia”

In 1986 Participation in the Festival of Youth Theaters of the former Yugoslavia, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina with the comedy “Ali hoxha hoxhe Alia”

In 1986 First prize with the comedy “Ali Hoxha, Hoxha Alia” in the Youth Theater Festival in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Commitments and other activities

While working as an activist for the protection of Freedom of Expression, Amnesty International declared him a Citizen of the World, in 1993 together with Adem Demaçi, Ali Podrimja and Shaip Beqiri.

In 2014 President of the Board of Kosovo National Theatre.

From 2009 to 2012 Vice Dean at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prishtina. 

From 2005 to 2021 Founder and Director of Alternative Theatre Kosovo.

From 2004 to 2021 Director of the Kosovo Institute for Drama, Film and Choreography

From 2004 to 2006 Vice Dean at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prishtina.

From 2002 to 2022 Head of the Kosovo branch of The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) in Kosovo

In 2001, Member of the International Federation of Journalism (IFJ), Brussels, Belgium.

From 2001 to 2007 Artistic Director of the National Theaters of Gjakova.

From 2000 to 2005 Founder and Director of Alternative Theatre Prishtina.

From 1999 to 2004 President of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo

From 1999 to 2001 Member of the OSCE Media Advisory Board in Kosovo

From 1997to 2000 member of the leadership of the Kosovo Red Cross

Editor of the Culture Magazine “Akademia”, Prishtinë,

Member of the Kosovo Film Artists Association

Member of the Washington-based National Communication Association (NAC), which is the most prestigious Association of Communication Sciences in the world. Several Nobel laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners also work actively at the NAC.

Editor-in-Chief of the Culture Magazine Prokult 2020, Tetovo, Northern Macedonia

He is a member of the board of the PEN Center in Kosovo

Lives and works in Prishtina.


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