Home Ballina Renate Müller

Renate Müller



Renate Müller, born on October the 6th, 1957 in Buzau, Romania, moved to Germany in 1989 and lives in Heidelberg. She writes poems in Romanian and German. She took part in 2010 with eight poems in the lyrical anthology: “Barfuß begegnen dem Atem der Nacht” at the Azur publishing house in Germany. With four poems in 2011 in the lyric anthem: “Sehnsuchtsblüten wirbeln durch die Luft” at Azur, Germany. At the same publishing house her first volume of poems “Zaghaft zeigt sich der Morgen” appeared in March 2011, Germany. He participated with 4 poems in the Anthology of Poetry and Epigrame “Romeo and Juliet at Mizil” VI Edition 2012 – 2013, RBA Media Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania. At the Pastel publishing house in Brasov, Romania, her first volume appeared in Romanian, “Semper Fidelis”, in octombrier 2013. She has participated with 15 poems in the lyrical anthology, “Carvers in Word”, Pim Publishing House, Iasi, Romania, in November 2013.

She participated with 2 poems in the collective volume “Friendship through poetry” – Dandes Press Publishing House, Drobeta Turnu-Severin; Romania, 2014 He participated with 24 poems in the collective volume “Travel in the Kingdom of Words” – Dandes Press Publishing House, Drobeta Turnu-Severin; Romania, 2014 He participated with 4 poems in the collective volume “A verse a poetry” – Dandes Press publishing house, Drobeta Turnu-Severin; Romania, 2014 He participated with 4 poems in the collective volume “Poezia prietena mea” – Dandes Press publishing house, Drobeta Turnu-Severin; Romania, 2014 He participated with 6 poems in the collective volume “Love a corner of heaven” – Dandes Press Publishing House, Drobeta Turnu-Severin; Romania, 2014. At Amanda Edit Publishing House, Bucharest, September, 2014, her bilingual, Romanian-Albanian volume “Awakened Love” appeared – “Dashuri e zgjuar” translated by Ymeri Baki. She participated with thirteen poems in the Romanian-Albanian anthology “The Light of My Soul” – “Drita e shpirtit tim” at Amanda Edit, Bucharest, October, 2014 The second volume appeared in German, “Klangspiel windbewegter Tage”, December 2014, at Wiesenburg, Germany.


Von hunderttausend Sachen


Von hunderttausend Sachen

die ich täglich mache

ist an dich denken

wohl mein größtes Tun.


Von dem Spazieren geh’n

mit dir in Traumlands Straßen

hab’ ich das Mondlicht

noch in meinen Augen ruh’n.


In mir ist alles Stille

in mir ist alles gut

weil in dem Festraum meiner Seele

dein Bild in allen Spiegeln ruht.


poem from the book ,,Klangspiel windbewegter Tage’’





where are the dreams born?
where are they coming from?
within us nestling
their fine embroideries

spanned off the moon as strings
of light, color,
longing and throbbings…








ku lindin ëndrrat

nga po vijnë

të mbështesin mes nesh

qëndisjet e tyre fine


fije të thurrura nga hëna

nga dritat, ngjyra

dhimbje dhe përmallim…


translated… Baki Ymeri




I spread my wings


I am a butterfly

Don’t catch me

Let me fly.


Do you see…

my wings

they touch you.


Let me float

In neverending Airiness

In your circles of light.





Où est le soleil


Où est le soleil quand

il n’est pas dans les rues

dans quel sombre cachot

est-il emprisonné

caché sous de voiles

a travers les fenêtres

opaques des nuages

il ne peut pas briller


infinită tăcere


umbrele nopţii lângă mine zac

trupul nu mă ascultă


gândurile-mi sunt dizolvate

de când ai plecat


nu mă ridic… nu mai umblu

mâinile mele sunt goale


tu… cânţi în mine

eu… mă-nec în durere


fiindcă-mi lipseşti



heshtje e pakufishme


hijet e natës pranë meje dergjen

trupi nuk më dëgjon


mendimet më janë shkrirë

ç’prej kurë se ke vajtur


nuk po ngrihem… nuk po shëtis

duart e mia janë të zbrazta


ti… këndon në mua

unë… po zhytem në dhimbje

ngase më mungon


ştiu ce-i în tine


te chinui…

văd cum se zbat aripile sufletului tău

cum îţi aruncă umbre pe faţă


te chinui…

nu ştii cât de mult îţi aparţin

cu toată fiinţa şi gândirea mea


te chinui…

nu bănui că îţi cunosc sentimentele:

– ele trag în mine aceleaşi cercuri –






e di se çka ka në ty


po e shoh se mundohesh…

se si përpëliten flatrat e shpirtit tënd

se si të hedhin hije në fytyrë


po e shoh se mundohesh…

nuk e din se kaherë të përkas

me gjithë qenjen e mendimin tim


po mundohesh…

mos dysho se t’i njoh sentimentet:

– ato tërheqin në mua të njëjtat harqe –



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