Home Ballina Telegramet e Urimit- Edicioni i parë- 2015

Telegramet e Urimit- Edicioni i parë- 2015


I send my very best wishes for the International Poetry Festivali Nderkombetar i Poezie, hoping that this will be a tremendous victory for poetry and international understanding: Poetry is the best way to communicate that we all are brothers and sisters, sharing the same values of life and hopes for a better future. Poetry is a unique language, different from all other languages, and this language of poetry is able to build bridges between individuals, groups and nations – regardless of religion, politics and historical traditions. The poem is a deep human voice for protecting mankind.
Yours brother in poetry,
dr. Knut Ødegård

Poet, translated into 33 languages. Founder of the Bjornson Festival of International Literature, Norway. Founder of the Bjornson Academy of Literature and Freedom of Speech, Norway. Member of The Norwegian Academy. Consul General for the Republic of Macedonia in Norway. Commander of the Icelandic Order of the Falcon. Knight 1. Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit. Knight of the Papal Equestrial Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

From: Shareef Abdur-Rasheed
Date: Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 11:46 PM
Subject: Attn: Bill Submitting for Kosovo International Poetry Festival by Shareef Abdur-Rasheed
To: “William Peters Jr.”

On the occasion of this historical festival that features the time honored, tried and tested word crafting, often thought provoking, conscious challenging known as the art of poetry as it’s theme speaks, underscores its value to humanity as a genre that always since its inception been a vehicle to raise the human consciousness. In the contemporary vain today it’s no exception. At a time when the earth cries out for sanity in the face of systemic inhuman madness and indifference, poetry is as essential now as it ever was acting as that bittersweet champion of truth and food4thought.

Helping keep humanity human!

Greetings fellow poets !

An Artist who uses Art to create Change. I believe the word imagery of poetry is the ultimate art form with a creative spirit that gives rise to a new perception in others. A fresh way of looking at things that creatively compels others to act upon what they’ve perceived. Thus fulfilling my belief, “The true act of creating art, is for it to be used for the everlasting benefit of all humanity by using art to create change.” Together, you poets gathering here today, collectively through the act of poetry, its art form, can and will create everlasting change to humanity for the benefit of all. Peace and love…….

~Keith Alan Hamilton~


wishes and greetings to International Poetry Festival and all Poets!!!

Hadaa Sendoo
World Poetry Almanach
Ulaan Baator

Heart Space by Kimberly Burnham

Space for peace
country sides torn open
universal languages busting
into letters of willingness
see syllables of peace
swim in love lakes
words gather us
defining where
we stand
cohesively centered
in heart space

Thanks, Kim

Kimberly Burnham, PhD (Integrative Medicine)

Good Morning citizens of Kosovo

As an active member and contributor
for “The Year of The Poet” project
It is my hope that our words may uplift
inspire and give insight to others.
We are an example of how diverse cultures
can come together as just people
Blinded by visual diversity
Bonded by the art of poetry
There’s love in words
and humanity has but one voice
We don’t see each other
Though we may read each other
So let’s feed each other at table earth
There’s no getting up and walking away
Gravity holds us here and affects us all
So let’s gravitate toward one another
on this planet small.
We all live symbiotically and through the arts
Let us begin to accept that mentally

Peace and Blessings

We truly are one people
Joe DaVerbal Minddancer

I pray that the Orishas, saints of my faith, bless this event that celebrates poetry. Father Joaquim de Aruanda said that poetry is the sign of Zambi, the name of God in my Umbandist belief.
The poems are divine signs meaning through man. Writing poetry is to allow the nature of Zambi to manifest. Reciting a verse is one of many ways to talk to Zambi.
All this makes me think that God loves poetry because the holy books were written in the language of poets.
For poets who participate in the festival, I send greetings and blessings.
Might and Light!
Sao Paolo

Zeilton Feitosa,
Umbandist Spiritual Leader

Uvaženi pozvanici i gosti International Poetry Festivala Rahovac sa žaljenjem vas obavještavam da, zbog ranije preuzete obaveze da budem gost-predavač na Universita degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” i u interesu pisanje riječi, neću moći da dijelim ushićenje u uzajamnom poetskom promišljanju.
Konsultujući se sa vašim domaćinom, vrsnim perom Fahredinom Shehu, usaglasili smo se da – za ovaj puta – je kudi kamo djelotvornije da podnesem lični danak radi općeg dobra. Na tom razumjevanju sam mu neizmjerno zahvalan vjerujući da ćemo naredne godine uspjeti da se sretnemo i na festivalu koji sam priređujem pri klubu “Plava paleta” “Šero Živodraga Živkovića”, kao i u Rahovcu.
Topli pozdravi i srećno druženje lučonoše.

Emir Sokolović

Blessings to the voices uniting in the love of poetry and for the enrichment of our hearts to bring peace and healing to humanity.

Tony Henninger


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