Home Ballina FAHREDIN SHEHU World Poetry Tree

World Poetry Tree


Në Dubai botohen poezitë e poetit Fahredin Shehu

Antologjia Poetry Tree, ose Pema Poetike, botohet në Dubai

Antologjia Poetry Tree, e edituar nga poeti, kompozitori dhe gazetari Adel Khozam nga Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe, është një përmbledhje voluminoze e poezisë bashkëkohore botërore, ku janë përfshirë edhe poezitë e poetit Kosovar, Fahredin Shehu.

Antologjia është e lidhur me projektin gjigant DUBAI EXPO 2020 ku janë përfshirë poetët e shquar, ndër ta edhe të nominuar për çmimin Nobel.

Kjo antologji është projekt më i madh letrar që ndonjëherë është shfaq në ndonjë Panair inovacioni.
Tema e Antologjisë është: ” Bashkimi i mendjeve, ndërtim i ardhmërisë”, ku përfshihen 400 poetë nga 192 shtete.

Edituesi z. Khozam, është figurë e shquar e kulturës dhe medieve, ai ka fituar çmime për komponime muzikore, letërsi dhe aktualisht ësht drejtor i TV Dubai Media Incorporated dhe shkruan kolumne javore me gazetën “El Ittihad” ne Dubai që do të thotë se kjo Antologji do të ketë edhe mbulesë të shkëlqyeshme mediale.

Sipas Shehut, është vërtet privilegj jo vetëm për atë, por edhe për faktin se me ftesen nga Emiratet, Kosova nuk është anashkaluar dhe se poezia jonë është pjesë integrale e poezisë botërore.

Adel Khozam

Adel Khozam is a highly respected and admired Emirati poet, composer & jounalist. Khozam is a member of many media committees in the UAE, including being jury member of the Dubai International Film Festival.

He is very much involved in both the international & Arab poetry scene as his poems were translated into several languages, including English, French, Hindi, and German. The English version of his last novel entitled “Life in Third Eye” received great critical attention in the United States where it won the Golden Seal for featured books in literature and also was nominated for Eric Hoffer Award for Independent Publication in America.

Khozam has composed several melodies and songs for both theater and television in the UAE and won numerous top best music awards. Currently, he is a director of a TV channel at Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI) and has a weekly column in the leading newspaper “Al Ittihad”. 


U.A.E. Unlimited is a satellite platform founded and supported by His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, one of the youngest prominent patrons of the arts in the United Arab Emirates. The platform is managed by the Executive Director, Shobha Pia Shamdsani, who is also the Art Adviser & Director of the Modern & Contemporary Middle Eastern Art Collection of H.H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan.


Voice Of World Poetry Tree
These poems come together with the voices of poets from all over the world to celebrate the values of love, hope and peace. They are communicated through this digital anthology at an important time and history of humanity, that is the return of life to normal after the Covid-19 pandemic shook the world and imposed isolation on people and distanced them from each other.
The first goal of this anthology is to re-build bridges between the poets of the world and to establish the presence of poetry in our lives that is renewing our souls. The coming together of 192 countries from all over the world at the Expo 2020 in Dubai is the most important event in the world, announcing the decline of the global epidemic and the Earth’s recovery from the disease. In this exhibition, literature, art and music are back to their rightful place in people’s hearts. These countries display their cultures, arts and future innovations in one place on the land of the UAE.
Poetry is the river that quenches the trees of love, hope, beauty, and peace. The poems we have collected from the poets of the world here go on to celebrate life as a renewed horizon that always holds hope. Poets with great experiences and important influence in this anthology are our guests of honor. All poems and names here have been the focus of our great interest in building a transcendent poetic vision that belongs to the future. In the end, our goal is that poetry leaves a mark on history by saying its word at this moment in time. The poets of the world left their fingerprints here, and said their beautiful words of loving life, the Earth, and people.
Poetry has a real power to make a difference, although this change is not visible. If, as nations and peoples, we want to build societies that are united and loving, we must first begin by feeding the true root of meaning and values, which is poetry. Nothing but poetry can shake and renew old, firm convictions.
The worlds and horizons that are generated within the poetic text are the gates through which one can enter a future that is clearer in understanding and contemplation, and thus grant the ability to build a state of a high language of understanding between human beings. Those who read this anthology can touch the one universal spirit on which poets agree. There is an implicit agreement among them to elevate the idea of hope, even when they talk about war or death, and to sanctify the idea of love, even in the saddest of poems. It is the poetry we present here, written in the tongue of all peoples as if it were written in one language and with one heart.
Unlike other encyclopedic books, we did not want to arrange names in this anthology alphabetically or by country or age. Here we build The World Poetry Tree where branches and leaves overlap, so we created a different style and distributed poets and poems on different branches, taking into account that each branch carries different variations of poets, poems and countries, so there is no particular arrangement, but overlap and interaction of all with everyone.
I would like to address all my friends of the poets from all over the world, who shared with me their poems and letters to make this work a success.
I would also like thank my family members, my wife Dr. Heyam Abdul Hamid and my son Hamdan, who have worked on text reviews and editing materials, and my daughter Muna, the real coordinator of this work, and my daughter Manal, who designed the cover and the internal direction of the book.
405 poets
106 countries
1001 pages
Thanks to you all with Love


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