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Xhevat Latifi


Xhevat Latifi was born in the year 1968 in Kosovo Albania. He attended primary and secondary education in his birth place, Faculty of Education in Pristina and then completed MA studies in Sociology in public university of Macedonia. He is a Kosovo Albanian well-known poet, sociologist and journalist. He has a long experience in journalism and has been working in some of the most prestigious Kosovo’s broadcasters and newspapers: RTK, RTV 21, TV Vali, Lajm and Express. He is the founder of the news agency: www/xlpress.tv.

He started writing in his early youth. He is a member of Albanian writer’s association and he has published two poetry collections into Albanian language:

1.            Latifi, Xh. (1996).The death is very expensive, Pristina, Jeta e Re

2.            Latifi, Xh (2004). Rain on your hair, Pristina, Rozafa

His literary creation is presented in several Albanian and Macedonian anthologies. In the year 2012 his poetry appears in English language, in Emanations: an anthology of international authors. He also participated with his poetry in some known literary magazines and newspapers: “Sheshi” Pristina, “Drita” Tirana, “Jeta e Re” Pristina, “Greek’s newspaper’ ” Greece, “Rumania’s newspaper” Rumania, and also in some other newspapers and magazines in Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia.

Latifi’s works have acquired a very good reception by various readers. As a result of this, he was awarded with several literary prizes. His poetry was assessed many times as the most adored and the most read ones. He is the winner of the first prize for writing the best poem in the some following literary festivals


· “The prize for the best writer of the year” in 1997, Kosovo

· “January’s blaze” in 2005, Kosovo

· “Albuniversi” in 2007, Macedonia

· “ The Karadak’s festival” in 2009, Kosovo

· “ The days of our hero Agim Ramadani” in 2010, Kosovo

· “The January’s blaze” in 2011, Kosovo

te tjera :

1.Çmimi “Muza e Agimit” në Manifestimin “Ditët e Agimit”. ( maj 20017)

2. Çmimi i dytë Festivali ” Pranvera poetike Durrsake”, ( Durrës qershor)

3. Çmimi i parë, në orën e madhe letrare të konkursit letrar për poezi, të shpallur nga klubi letrar “De Rada”, në Ferizaj, për poezinë “Shkupi dhembja që s’po pranë”, të poetit Xhevat Latifi. ( korrik 2017)

4.Klubi i Shkrimtarëve dhe Artistëve “Pjetër Budi” Mat zhvilloi në Burrel Festivalin e Dytë Mbarëkombëtar të Poezisë “Muza Poetike Budiane”. Ndërsa fitues i çmimit të parë u shpall poeti nga Gjilani, Xhevat Latifi. ( gusht 2017)

5. Çmimi “ Gjergj Fishta” i jepet poetit nga Kosova, Xhevat Latifi Çmimi “Gjergj Fishta” në kuadër të Ditëve të Letersisë Shqipe në SHBA që u mbajtë në Detroid. ( tetor 2017)

6.Çmimi poetik “Fadil Bekteshi”, vendi i parë në edicionin e XXVII të manifestimit tradicional kulturor-letrar “Takimet Poetike të Karadakut”, Kumanovë 11 mars 2019


… a woman who turned her back to the window is waiting for the sunset

washing continuously her sweats with sleeves (remembering her children at home)

she turns her glance again at one peak: with imperial yellow threads is sewing a military flannel!

Admits Asia and Europe the Syrian* refugees seeking freshness under the shade of Aya Sofia’s 

the tourists are waiting in rows to buy Ahmet Davutoğlu and Samuel P. Huntington’ books

the others make selfies with their backs turned against the Blu Mosque whispering about the crash of civilizations…

Let quiet Syrians (Can’t you see them holding the hands of their children)

seeking a corridor in the whole world

Istanbul – separated Europe, the sun parches, they are seeking eleemosynary water 

 a begging hand reminds us the medieval ages, the witches’ struggle, Byzantium conspiracies

1001 nights…

Do you remember the story of refugees written by Ismail Kadare in the year 1999!?

All the resolutions of UNO for refugees are the same!

The religion and color of a refugee are alike: only blood, tears and prayers!

Ah yes! It is the same the human’s body taking a shower in a hamam with women with white breasts!

The white towel around rears is the same, an abidance flag in a war!

Ehh! Just when we kneel as victims, we remember God!

That little remained moral, a modern man drinks as a hot tea!

Crashing civilizations like Bosphorus’ waves: Troy, Rome, Vienna, Stalingrad, Auschwitz, Pearl Harbour, Hiroshima, Palestine, Sarajevo, Srebrenica, Recaku…

UNO, make a resolution for a human’s death, if there will not be late embroidering flags!

One day (will) we learn to (love) the language of each other???

Istanbul, August 2015

*It is assessed that more than two billion refugees from Syria recently are placed in Turkey!



here the water has a wild flowing it produces a number of histories

every stone sanctifies biblical junctions saying it’s mine

the rhapsodists break the teeth of the figures from mud…

making them heroes slimming till the cream of union

till the headache hyperbolizing braveries

epees for the army that ride when they are drunken singing

making havoc till they come back to play the lute

this place produces monster to burst from its skin to become Apprentice

 of the new stabbing murder the one close to you because it’s of other kind

murder and stab because this is a narrow shirt in a nook of Europe

don’t forget here the antiquity is measured with knife with its top

change the toponyms the bridges are drawn on skin

where crucifixion is made on a red moon

the guilt mixes barbarously all clutches bleeding in

an escape of hiding traces

the demon and his son only in victim’ role understand that they are

creatures of divinity

scribbling then maps and fog to understand who has stolen the grave stones and whose were those

( Poems translated from Albanian by Valdete Aliu-Muçaj )

Say a good word to me

Say a good word to me

so I could watch the sky with a lake eye

so I could sniff the smell of fresh baked bread.

A word that it was given a lot of thoughts at the old men’s chamber

so I could open the gate of the underworld…

A good word, say just a good word to me

while Thalia* has chosen the intrigue’s rhythm

 as her heartbeats for today,

the same as she did yesterday…

Since two thousands years ago,

the good word never grew old, never felt asleep.

A good word scares the death to death! Thalia*-

The muse of drama and comedy

Translated from Albanian, Majlinda Bashllari


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