Home Festivali ndërkombëtar i poezisë Ediconi 1 Dr. Sali Bytyçi

Dr. Sali Bytyçi


Sali Bytyçi was born in Dejë, South East of Kosova, in 1962. He graduated at Prishtina University. M. A. in Literature. Ph. D. in Theory of Literature. Primary and secondary education has completed in Ratkoc and Rahovec while graduated in Albanian Literature Department of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Prishtina. In 2002 defended his master thesis titled “Funksioni simbolik i florës dhe i faunës në poezinë e sotme shqipe (1945-2000)” and in 2009 defended his doctoral topic “Vepra letrare e Azem Shkrelit” (“Azem Shkreli literary works”) at the University of Pristina. In 1983 was sentenced by the communist regime for the offense -hostile propaganda and from 12 May 1998 until the end of October 2000 remained in prison: Prizren, Lipjan, Dubrava of Nis, as captives (prisoner of war).
From 1990 he worked as a teacher in primary schools in his district.
Since 2004, in newspaper “Lajm” has held office of editor of the culture and linguistic editor, while since 2009 works at the Department of Literature at the Institute of Albanology in Pristina.
With literary writings started during the study and has participated in scientific sessions that were organized within and abroad. Is a member of the Writers League of Kosovo and of the Association of Political Prisoners in Kosovo.

Published books:
– (1994) – Requiem for oaks (poetry) “Art Pen”, Prishtina.
– (2011) – At the Reservation (poetry), “Brezi ‘81”, Prishtina.

– (2003) – Labyrinth of literary text (Criticism and reviews), “Sheshi”, Prishtina.
– (2007) – In medias res (recensione), “Era”, Prishtina.
– (2008) – Plant and animal symbols in in Modern Albanian Poetry (1945-2000), (monograph), Institute of Albanology – Prishtina.
– 2010 – Words of Stone (Literary Works of Azem Shkreli), Institute of Albanology – Prishtina.
– (2011) – From pseudo theories to plagiarism, Institute of Albanology – Prishtina.

After Twenty Years

After twenty years
We will tell tales
If we are alive

We’ll get closer to our children
And we’d start: Once upon a time…

If we are alive
After twenty years we will tell tales
Then it will be the year of 2011
And we who were born in the Middle Ages
We will prepare to die in the New Century


Yesterday I was a man
And today I may be a grave on the hill
I can be a lost one without a trace

Now I am just a number
A number that breathes
A number that rises in the morning and falls in the evening
A number that eats and sees
A number that moves on two legs

Now I am number 4912
That would be enough for me

Yesterday I was a man
Today I am a number

Prison in Niš (Serbia ), April 2000

When They Sentence the Poet

When they declare a poet
A terrorist
The Power goes mad

Middle Age heroes rise from the grave
And massacred children roam on the ground

When they declare a poet a terrorist
The smoke covers the sky
And the earth resembles more to Dante’s Hell

When they declare a poet a terrorist
State kills itself
And people feed off with each other’s heads

Niš prison (Serbia), Summer 1999

Remembering You

While remembering you
I am killing the most precious one –
The time
That Creator gave us reluctantly…

By writing verses for you
I am killing the shortest one –
The time
That Creator gave us
And I forget
That you’re the Time
That you have been
That you are
And that you will always be

Hypocrites wrote books

This world belongs to the Devil
It’s his proper share when separated from God
Hypocrites wrote books

Jesus was condemned by the Father
Because he took someone else’s burden
Rather than Roman Law

Great People are farsighted
That’s why they lie so much
When talking about things that we fail to see

March of the Absurd

Magnificent cart of Absurd
Horses of Absurd gone wild

In city streets
Hoofbeats can be heard
Absurd is parading

Hoofbeats are deafening
Horses without bridles make havoc
Behind them were left the oppressed and the crippled
And the victims
Absurd is marching…

Poezitë i përktheu: Fadil Bajraj


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