Khairi Hamdan- Palestine- Bulgaria

Khairi Hamdan- Palestine- Bulgaria


Hayri Hasan Hamdan

Working languages: Bulgarian, Arabic & English language.

Field of work: Fiction & humanities.

Short biography: Hayri Hamdan was born in 1962 at Der Sharaf, Palestine, In 1967 his family moves to Jordan, where graduates high school. Hamdan has been living in Bulgaria since 1982. He graduated university in Sofia, where he obtained master’s degree in the field of engineering. Hayri Hamdan got married in 1989. He has three daughters.

Selected translations:

Published books in Bulgarian:

  • 1993 “Eyes of a storm” – Poetry collection, Publishing house “Prozoretz”
  • 2000 “Mariamin” – Poetry collection, PAN Publishing House,
  • 2005 “Chronic Love” & “Alive in a caner kingdom” – Poetry collection & novel
  • 2007 – “European in the wrong times” – Novel, Publishing House “Delfin”
  • 2008 – “Does anybody hear me”- Play, The Red House Center for Culture and Debate – Sofia, won reward from European Programme for Integration and Migration

Published books in Arabian:

  • 2011 “Let me live, let me die” – Play, Egyptian publishing house “Noon”
  • 2014 “Seduction of  middle-aged”, A short story collection, “Azmena” Publishing House in Jordan
  • 2015 – “Restless souls” – Novel, Alberuni publishing house in Jordan

Translations from Arabic into Bulgarian

  • 2014 “The Convoy of Thirst” for Sanaa Shalan
  • 2015 “A call true the night” for Mahmoud al-Rimawy, Publishing house “Ergo”

Translations from Bulgarian into Arabic

  • 2015 “Anthology for modern Bulgarian poetry in Arabic: “The wind blew my words away – Al-Biruni Publishing House. 2016 Nominated for a reward from Peroto Literature Club
  • 2015 “The seven gifts from Scheherazade”, for Emil Georgiev, Alberuni Publishing house in Jordan
  • 2016 – “You are a smart kid, Tino!” – Al Ahlia Publishing house

Awards: Hayri Hamdan has won a few worldwide literature prizes in Egypt & Saudi Arabia. His work is translated in English, French, Spanish and Italian languages.