Home Ballina Nahid Ensafpour

Nahid Ensafpour


Photo credit to Klaus -Peter Kubik

– 14.Jul. 1961 Tehran
-Environmental Engineer 1980-1983 Tehran University
-Persian vocal/singing training 1984-1985, Tehran
– Education chemistry technical assistant 1988-1990 Köln Gerrmany, Technical assistant
– German Language diploma1991 in Köln ( Zertifikat from Munich-University)
– Diploma “Literary writing” 2013-2015 Frankfurt by Cornelia Goethe Academia
– Chemistry laboratory assistant 1990-2004 by a pharmaceutically company
– Technical Consultant 2004-now (2017)/ Federal institute for Drugs and Medical Devices
– Classical vocal training 2008-2011 Köln
– Burning desire ”Brennende Sehnsucht” Frankfurter Verlagsgruppe, AG 2014, Frankfurt
– The Song of the moment ”Gesang des Augenblickes” Verlagsgruppe AG 2016 , Frankfurt
– In anthologie, such as “Frankfurter Bibliothek 2014, 2015”, Brentano Gesellschaft, Frankfurt
– In anthologie, such as “ Bibliothek Deutschsprachiger Gedichte, 2013,2014 und 2015”, Verlag Deutschsprachiger Gedichte, Münschen
– In anthologie, such as “Neue Literatur 20125/2016”, August von Goethe Literaturverlag, Frankfurt
– A Worldwide anthology “Between our Words… Poetry overcomes borders”
-prizes and other honours: second prize in Rödemark poetry festival, Germany
-My poems are translated in English, farsi, Chinese, Romanic,
– Member of Goethe Community in Köln from 2015
– Member of Schiller Community in Leipzig from 2015

Since 1985 in Germany/Köln. My native language is Persian. I write my poems in German and Farsi.

poems of Nahid Ensafpour


Aus meines Herzens Blut
blühte eine rote Rose.

Sanft brach ich die holde Rose
und schenkte sie meinem Liebsten,
die Seele flog hinaus aus meinem Leib,
und ich gelangte zu ewigem Rosengarten.

Rose Garden

From my heart,
there sprang a rose

Carefully, I plucked the lovely bloom
and gave it to my love,
my soul leapt from my body,
and so I entered the eternal rose garden.

-Song of the moment ”Gesang des Augenblickes” Frankfurter Verlagsgruppe AG 2016, Frankfurt
Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey


O dieses Gefühl,
wenn dein Herz voll Schmerz
klemmt in deiner Brust,
in dir dein Atem stockt
und du wünschtest,
zu reißen dein Herz aus der Brust
und hältst in deiner Hand,
um ihm zu schenken,
die Liebe.


Oh, this feeling
when your heart is filled
with pain, and your chest
is so tight, you cannot breath,
and you wish you could
tear out your heart
and hold it in your hand,
and present him with this gift of

-Song of the moment ”Gesang des Augenblickes” Frankfurter Verlagsgruppe AG 2016, Frankfurt
Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey

Die Brücke

„für A“

Auf der anderen Seite des Ufers
hörte ich ihren lauten Schrei
verwirrt, unwissend,
wie konnte ich ihr helfen nur,
niemand war da, der ihr beistand,
lauter und lauter wurde ihr Aufschrei,
eine stürmische Kraft überkam mich
ich wuchs und wuchs über mich hinaus
und beugte mich über den Fluss,
selbst wurde ich zur Brücke,
doch als sie mich überqueren wollte,
brach ich.

The Bridge

“for A”

From the bank across the river
came a loud cry
confused, unknowing,
how I could help her,
no-one else came to her rescue;
louder and louder still she cried
till a raging strength took hold of me
and I grew and grew, far beyond
myself and arched across the river
to become a bridge,
but just as she was about to cross,
I broke.

Sein und Nichtsein

Sein und Nichtsein,
die Grenze
eine dünne Wand.
Sacht berühren
meine Finger
diese so leichte,
diese so gespannte
dünne Wand.
Ein Zittern
überkommt mich,
welch` unendliche Einigkeit
verbindet sie,
Sein und Nichtsein,
sie sind doch eins.

Being and not being

Being and not being
the dividing line
a thin wall.

Gingerly my fingers touched
the thin partition
so light, so taut
to the touch

A trembling
overcomes me
what infinite
unity joins
being and not being
surely they are one.

-Burning desire ”Brennende Sehnsucht” Frankfurter Verlagsgruppe, AG 2014, Frankfurt
Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey

In der Nacht, wenn die Welt träumt

In der Nacht,
wenn die Welt träumt,
wenn die Welt ruht,
such` ich in meinem Traum
dich, du verlorene Liebe,
die verlassen hat mich so kalt,
verwirrt berühren meine Finger
die dünne Haut der Nacht,
sie reißt so plötzlich
und da, sehe ich dich, Liebe,
und dein Licht, das strahlt.

At night, when the world is dreaming

At night,
when the world is dreaming,
when the world is at rest,
I search for you in my dream,
my lost love,
who left me so cold,
bewildered, my fingers touch the
thin skin of night,
suddenly, it parts
and there you are my love, and
I see you and your radiant light.

-Song of the moment ”Gesang des Augenblickes” Frankfurter Verlagsgruppe AG 2016, Frankfurt
Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey

The sun in me

The darkness
falls across
the land.

The gloom
drives life
into nothingness.

The people
all vanish
in the blink of an eye.

The doors
close, one after
the other.

Everywhere, the seeds
of fear and
the harvest of

The devil
peers at the people,
light held
in hand.

And quickly, I shut
the doors,
cover the windows,
to hide the sun
living deep in my heart
from the devil.

Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey

The song of the moment

Life rushes past me,
and with my inner eye,
firmly rooted, I observe
the restless shifts of time.

The song of the moment
beckons us
not to pass unmoved
along life’s path,
a moment of awareness
endows us with
a penetrating look at life in full flow.

Thus, the state of being
enshrines mortality.

Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey

Conversation with an unknown man

You, the music of my soul,
the anchor of my being,
the strength of my breath.

Do you live in me
or I in you?
Are we one and
at the same time two?

How can you nurture
my small being in you?
How can I support
your great mass in me?

I breathe in you
and you in me,
till I float up on the wings
of your luminous spirit.

Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey

“for my daughter”

Take flight, my bird

Take flight, my bird,
fly, my heart,
You, born out of
my own body,
you, whose flight
profoundly touches
my heart,
you, that I can
no longer hold,
you, so mature now
that you can go your own way.

Take flight, my bird,
in wistfulness and pain
I look at you
and deep inside, I know
that soon, you will find your way
back to me.

Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey


A little snowflake
left the cool cloud with joy,
dancing, light as air,
it floated down, smiling,
till it reached the earth
and vanished.

Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey

Conversation with an unknown man

You, the music of my soul,
the anchor of my being,
the strength of my breath.

Do you live in me
or I in you?
Are we one and
at the same time two?

How can you nurture
my small being in you?
How can I support
your great mass in me?

I breathe in you
and you in me,
till I float up on the wings
of your luminous spirit.

Translated from German to English by Marion Godfrey


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