Home Portali Art & Kulturë LIDA SHERAFATMAND




LIDA SHERAFATMAND is a fine artist of multiple talents. She has exhibited her paintings since 1997 in just over 20 countries including 60 collective shows and 25 solo exhibitions. She works on the artistic concept of ‘florescencism’

which is a result of her years of painting and research. Florescencism is a term proposed by Lida, and as the word suggests it  comes from ‘flor’ (Latin word for flower). It carries a double entente in that flor:  a) actual flowers  being the main

physical subject in her painting b) flowering as a metaphor used in many cultures  and langauges to symbolize the flourishing of an individual or a civilization, for which she researches the social sciences and peace studies.


Besides painting Lida holds an M.A. in International Relations, writes essays and poetry. She has delivered public talks on the academic research behind her art at conferences and academic institutes including the Roerich Family Museum and Institute in St Petersburg, The London School of Economics and Political Science, the Radcliffe Harvard University, and the University of Amsterdam.

Lida`s paintings, articles and poems have been widely published, including by UN, UNESCO, Amnesty International, a number of art journals, and other institutes. One notable piece of her writing is the Humanitarian Art Manifesto

translated to 7 languages was published on various newspapers and journals.


Her art works have been cited and reviewed in art history academic dissertations and journals of social science. Moreover, Lida has been conferred numerous awards, the most recent in 2017 are the Outstanding Artist Award from Asia Art Funds (New York/China) in 2017, Woman Art Award by Europe Art Awards and MUSA International Art Space in 2017.


Born in Iran in 1977 Lida lived life circumstances of war, revolution, and persecution, later on as refugee, statelessness, loss of wealth and poverty. Due to those experiences she feels a responsibility in her art works to contribute to her surroundings. Her motto is: “The more I hear violent news, the more I paint gentle flowers.”


Lida’ artist statement:

Painting is a vocation for me. I believe the art which we produce becomes part of our physical, emotional and intellectual reality.

This puts a huge responsibility on my shoulders when I am creating, to make sure I give the best of me to my environment

as I ‘immortalize’ a part of reality in the painting. I meditate, pray, and dance to get in touch with depths of

beauty and strength in life.”



Lida Sherafatmand

Website: www.lida-art.com

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi5aH69TXuxonSqiAYx7ewQ

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lidasherafatmand/




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