Home Ballina Mircea Dan Duta- Romania/ Czech Republic

Mircea Dan Duta- Romania/ Czech Republic


Mircea Dan Duta (b. 1967) – Poet, film scientist and translator, editor of the Levure Littéraire cultural platform (France-USA-Germany), Quest literary magazine (Montenegro) and FITRALIT Revue in Bucharest (specialized in literary translation), producer, organizer, moderator of cultural events in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Romania. He writes his own poetic creation in Czech. He published three poetry collections: Landscapes, Flights and Dictations (2014), Tin Quotes, Inferiority Complexes and Human Rights or Married, No Strings Attached, Selling Dead Born Girlfriend (Mention: Worn-out) (2015, both of the titles issued at Petr Štengl Editions, Prague) and the bilingual (Czech-Romanian) authorial anthology Plíz sujčof jor mobajl founs / Pliz Suiciof Ior Mobail Făuns / Please Switch Off Your Mobile Phones. Now preparing two new titles: They Don´t Speak Polish in the Realm of Death and That s How Life Itself Wrote It. His texts are also published in literary magazines and revues in the Czech Republic (Uni, Protimluv, Weles, H_aluze, Dobrá adresa, Polipet, Tvar etc.) and abroad in translations: Slovakia, Italy, France, USA, Mexico, Spain, Romania, Moldavia, Israel, Bulgaria, Montenegro), Kossovo, Serbia, India, Egypt, Corea, Poland, Sweden, Northern Macedonia, Peru, Chile, soon expected in Ukraine, Austria and Slovenia. Present in the anthologies Balkan Poetry Today 2017 and 2018 (UK), The Night Magician, (2018 – UK), Anthology of South-Eastern Poetry by Fahredin Shehu (2018, USA), (California Poetry Quarteryly – Anthology, (USA, 2018), World Poetry Almanach by Hadaa Sendoo (Mongolia, 2018 and 2019), Balkan Writers (Bulgaria, 2019), Poetry Against the Virus (Spain, 2020 – to be published), Anthology of Contemporary World Poetry (South Africa, 2020 – to be published). He translated almost 100 authors (whole volumes or fragments / samples for literary magazines) from Czech and Slovak into Romanian (especially poetic works and theater plays, but also novels and short stories). He is also translating from English, French, Polish and Slovene into Romanian and from Romanian, English, Slovak and Polish into Czech. He also put together and translated the first two anthologies of contemporary Czech poetry in Romanian (2015, respectively 2016) and the first anthology of contemporary Czech theater (2016) after the fall of communism. He also publishes scientific and specialized volumes and articles in the field of film and literary theory, critic and history from which we would always mention the book Storyteller, Author and God (Edition Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 2009), which is dedicated to some narratologic and narrative aspects of the Czech and Slovak film New Wave in the 60s of the 20 th century. He is a member of the Czech section of the PEN Club and also of the Romanian one. From 2015 to 2016 he coproduced and co-moderated the Reading Poetry literary evenings and the series of readings and literary programs Poetry in the Front Room. He also cooperates with the Poetry festivals FIP Bucharest, FIP Jassy and Transylvania in Cluj. He is also the moderator of the PEN Romania Literary Evenings that started in April 2018.

Texty Mircey Dana Duty z přípravované sbírky Ve smrti se nemluví polsky / Texte de Mircea Dan Duta din volumul in pregatire In moarte nu se vorbeste limba polona”

Líbáme se bez chuti,
líbáme se bez lásky,
líbáme se bez chtíče,
líbáme se bez vzrušení,
líbáme se bez jazyků,
líbáme se bez rtů,
líbáme se bez úst,
líbáme se bez očí,
líbáme se bez tváří,
líbáme se bez tvarů,
líbáme se bez forem,
líbáme se bez podoby,
líbáme se bez představy,
líbáme se bez imaginace,
líbáme se bez obrazů,
líbáme se beze snů,
líbáme se bez skutečnosti,
líbáme se bez Dichtung,
líbáme se bez Wahrheit,
líbáme se bez polibků,
líbáme se bez pusy,
líbáme se bez líbání,
a tak si našeho líbání
nikdo nikdy nikde nevšímá,
naše líbání
nikdo nikde nikdy nevidí,
dokonce ani my sami,
a tak o našem líbání
nikdo nikde nikdy
psát nebude,
až na toho zapomenutého básníka,
který sám
nikdy nikde nikoho
a tak si alespoň vymyslí
nás, dvojici,
která se snaží o polibek
jako on o poezii.
The No-kissing Moon

We kiss without taste,
we kiss without love,
we kiss without lust,
we kiss without excitement,
we kiss without languages,
we kiss without lips,
we kiss without mouths,
we kiss without eyes,
we kiss without faces,
we kiss without shapes,
we kiss without forms,
we kiss without images,
we kiss without imagination,
we kiss without visions,
we kiss without pictures,
we kiss without dreams,
we kiss without reality,
we kiss without Dichtung,
we kiss without Wahrheit,
we kiss without kisses,
we kiss without a pecks,
we kiss without kissing,
and so there´s nowhere no-one to ever take note
of our kissing
there´s nowhere no-one to ever pay attention,
to our kissing
there´s nowhere no-one to ever see it,
hear it
or feel it,
not even ourselves,
and so there´s nowhere no-one to ever write
about our kissing,
but that forgotten poet,
which himself
has never nowhere
kissed anyone,
and so at least he is thinking up
us, a couple
striving for a kiss
as himself for poetry. Нецелуване

Целуваме се без желание,
целуваме се без любов,
целуваме се без ищях,
целуваме се без възбуда,
целуваме се без език,
целуваме се без устни,
целуваме се без уста,
целуваме се без очи,
целуваме се без лица,
целуваме се без форми,
целуваме се без подобие,
целуваме се без представи,
целуваме се без фантазия,
целуваме се без образност,
целуваме се без мечти,
целуваме се без реалност,
целуваме се без Dichtung,
целуваме се без Wahrheit,
целуваме се без целувки,
целуваме се без целуване,
и така нашето целуване
никой никога никъде не го забелязва,
нашето целуване
никой никога никъде не го забелязва,
не го чува,
не го чувства,
дори и ние самите,
и така за нашето целуване
никой никога никъде
нищо няма да напише,
освен този забравен поет,
който самият
никога никъде никого
не е целувал,
и поне ще измисли нас
които се опитваме да се целуваме,
както той се опитва да пише поезия.


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