Translated by Martyna Kokotkiewicz, PhD
Rukousmatto (The Prayer Rug)
Toisen maailman voimalla
lainaan sen hetken
kun muistoa ja kaipuuta
kehrätään kuin silkkilankaa
rukousmattoa varten
Samettivihko (The Velvet Notebook)
Akvamariiniväriseen samettivihkoon,
raskas kynä kirjoittaa karkeasti
verellä musteen sijaan ja
suorin kirjaimin kaarevaa maailmaa varten
Kenet on haastettava (Whom to challenge)
Taivaan laajuisella kupolilla,
pilvet ovat muodostamassa tarinaa
hän yritti hypätä,
kenenkään kanssa ikinä kilpailematta
Hän oli itselleen oma haasteensa
kolme kertaa hän oli kilpailemassa
ja ylitti itsensä
hänen oli riitettävä itselleen
hänen oli oltava kilpailija itselleen
ja niin se sitten olikin
The Prayer Rug
With the power of another World,
I borrow the moment
where remembrance and longing
are spun like a silk thread
for the Prayer Rug.
The Velvet Notebook
On the aquamarine velvet notebook,
a heavy Pen writes harshly
with blood instead of ink and
the straight letters for the curved world
Whom to Challenge
On the sky-wide dome,
clouds were forming the story
he tried to jump,
never competing with anyone
He himself was his own challenge
three times he competed
and exceeded himself
he himself was his to suffice
he himself was his counterpart,
and it remained so
Martyna Kokotkiewicz, PhD, specialized in the language, literature and culture of Finland and Hungary and Estonia. She has been teaching subjects connected to that area at the University of Poznań, Poland. Focusing mainly on modern Finnish literature, she is at the same time interested in the wider aspects of Uralic languages as a part of the Uralo-Altaic languge family. She has recently been extending her area of interest to the Indo-European languages, focusing mainly on Celtic languages and Albanian. Human rights activist, freelance reporter covering abuse of human rights and religious freedom.