Home Festivali ndërkombëtar i poezisë Ediconi 1 Denisa Duran- Romania

Denisa Duran- Romania


Denisa Duran (n. 1980)is a Romanian poet, translator and cultural manager living in Bucharest. She is BA in Romanian & English Language and Literature, MA with a thesis about sound poetry, written in English. She worked as a journalist, translator and since 2007 she is project manager at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Bucharest. Denisa published so far 4 books of poetry – which include the bilingual “Omul de unică folosință / Disposable People” (2009), published in Ireland by Galway Print – and, most recently, “I Am Asleep, Yet Keep You Company” (2014) – a book about becoming until the age of one. Her poetry has been included in several national and international anthologies and translated into ten languages.

Îmi fac rugăciunea

Am colindat azi toată ziua
galeriile comerciale –
văd în jurul meu numai
am rămas cu gândul la ele …
Îmi fac rugăciunea şi
subformă de geantă.

As I’m Saying My Prayers

I’ve been roaming all day
through boutiques –
looking around I see nothing but
they abide in my mind…
As I’m saying my prayers
God is standing before me
in the form of a handbag.


Am văzut
oraţă cu şasepuiînurmaei
peCişmigiu –
te-am sunatrepede
să vii
să-i vedem împreună
şi până-n momentul
când ai apărut
mi-am feritochii


I saw
a duck with six ducklings in tow
on the Cişmigiu pond –
I gave you a call straight away
and asked you to come
so we’d see them together
and up to the moment
I saw you
I averted my eyes
from the scene.

Mi-e frică de mare

Mi-e frică de mare,
de gura ei,
larg căscată,
de gurile ei prefăcute
care par să îţi lingă picioarele,
dar te muşcă…
Marea salivează tot timpul

I’m afraid of the sea

I’m afraid of the sea,
of her mouth,
gaping wide,
of her treacherous mouths
pretending to kiss the soles of your feet
in humility,
yet ready to bite…
The sea’s constantly slobbering
over our feet.


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